Comments on recent publications

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VEINews; a new heading
The VEINews rubric is now incorporated in Phlebolymphology and may take various forms such as comments on a recent international publication (the most common) or on several publications on the same topic. It might also be controversial views of 2 authors on the same publication, or a state-of-the-art article on a timely topic.
In this issue, Prof Michel Perrin (Lyon, France), Dr Javier LEAL MONEDERO (Madrid, Spain), and Dr Oscar
Maleti (Modena, Italy) will comment on the following publications:

  • “Chronic venous disease progression and modification of predisposing factors” authored by Kostas TI, Ioannou CV, Drygiannakis I, Georgakarakos E, Kounos C, Tsetis D, Katsamouris AN. J Vasc Surg. 2010;51:900-907.
    Commented on by Prof Michel Perrin (Lyon, France)
    click here to read
  • “The role of duplex ultrasound in the workup of pelvic congestion syndrome” authored by Malgor RD, Adrahtas D, Spentzouris G, Gasparis AP, Tassiopoulos AK, Labropoulos N. J Vasc Surg: Venous and Lym Dis. 2014;2:34-38.
    Commented on by Javier Leal Monedero (Madrid, Spain)
    click here to read
  • “Deep venous reflux definitions and associated clinical and physiological significance” authored by Lim KH, Hill G, Tarr G, van Rij A. J Vasc Surg: Venous and Lym Dis. 2013;1:325-332.
    Commented on by Dr Oscar Maleti (Modena, Italy)
    click here to read