Presence of varices after operative treatment: a review

Part 2: This is the second part of the review article “PREsence of Varices After operatIve Treatment (PREVAIT).” The first part was published in Phlebolymphology,  2014;21(3):158-168. Michel Perrin, MD Vascular Surgery, 26 Chemin de Decines, F-69680 Chassieu, France Abstract Background: PREsence of VArices after operatIve Treatment (PREVAIT) occurs in 13% to 65% of patients and remains a debilitating and costly problem. The second part of this review aims to provide an overview of its optimal management according to published data. Methods: A PubMed search was conducted in English and French for the years 2000-2013 by using keywords (ie, duplex scanning,…

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Presence of varices after operative treatment: a review

Part 1: This is the first of 2 chapters that will comprise the ‘PREsence of Varices After operatIve Treatment (PREVAIT)’. These 2 chapters will  be published in the journal consecutively. Michel Perrin, MD Vascular Surgery, 26 Chemin de Decines, F-69680 Chassieu, France Abstract Background: PREsence of Varices after operatIve Treatment (PREVAIT ) occurs in 13% to 65% of patients and remains a debilitating and  costly problem. The first part of this review provides an overview of the current understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of PREVAIT . Methods: A PubMed search was conducted in English and French for the years…

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